Tweed jacket and silk blouse made in England.

Caring for the future

Caring for your clothes is one of the many steps to becoming more sustainable. I think of fashion as an investment, like each garment is a valuable piece that makes up my unique personality and style. Respecting your purchases with the proper cleaning and caring methods can make all the difference to your confidence and the environment. Like when you have planned an outfit in your head the night before, but unfortunately, you’ve shrunk it in the wash or lost a button. There is nothing more frustrating! Being more mindful of your item’s life cycle and caring for it the proper way will significantly reduce its environmental impact. 

Moda de la Maria contributes pieces to your wardrobe that are unmistakably unique and produced to the highest quality. With gorgeous fabrics such as local Tweed, Natural Tweed and Twill Silk, how could you not melt from the touch of them? As stated on the website all of Moda de la Maria’s items are dry clean only, which does make our lives dramatically easier. 

Washing dry clean only garments at home puts the item’s life in jeopardy, as washing machines use water as the solvent to do the cleaning. However, you’d be surprised to know that many fabrics, especially Tweed, Natural Wool Tweed and Twill Silk; do not mix well with water. The exact business of caring for tweed depends largely on how it is made. As Moda de la Maria produces excellently tailored jackets, coats etc, it is recommended that each garment is dry cleaned. Lapels, shoulders, collars, pockets, pocket flaps, vents and lining will react to the washing process in a completely different way. Shrinkage between the tweed and lining will result in puckering and pulling which will misshapen the jacket. 

When storing your tweed for the next season, we recommend a garment bag and to use mothballs, cedar chips or lavander, that will protect against moths and other insects that could harm the fabric. Always dry clean first as fresh stains that may not be visible oxidize and become fixed during storage. Steam ironing is recommended to gently press the item. Tweed is a tough yarn known to be durable and warm, it is also water-resistant so it holds up well in light rain or if it gets slightly damp. Spot cleaning is a good way to treat a small stain on the garment. This way you can remove a small stain without wasting a trip to the dry cleaners. Of course, being very gentle with a washcloth, blotting the stained area until the stain comes out. 

Moda de la Maria sells a range of beautiful silk scarves and removable collars. Adding a little extra detail to your style. What’s more, is that all of the jackets and coats are lined with this stunning silk. As it’s a natural fibre it would again not survive in the washing machine and requires extra care to retain its beauty. Although it is a strong fibre it is still fragile and delicate to touch. UK twill silk is 100% recommended to be dry cleaned; stated by the UK Silk Organization. It can, unfortunately, fade in colour and wrinkle to unfixable lengths which is why this is very important. When dropping your silk product to the cleaners be sure to identify any stains to them to guarantee they will all be removed. On a chafed area, the cleaners will use a method called the ‘mineral bath’ procedure. 

Restoring your clothes to all their natural glory will extend the product’s life cycle. Being mindful of the fabric can help you care for it properly and become more sustainable. Moda de la Maria uses the most natural and organic fabrics that dry clean well and last a lifetime. Making a Maria Ruseva design wardrobe must-haves.

Aleisha Lloyd

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